
Tom’s Story

“Before working with Toby I was determined that I could achieve my fat loss goal on my own.

I weighed almost 16 stone and was struggling to see why I couldn't lose any fat as I was going to the gym 5 times a week and eating what I thought was healthy.

After well over a year of trying this approach on my own, although my strength increased, I gained fat. After 3 months of working with Toby, I've lost 2 stone.

As well as learning new exercises and HIIT workouts, I've gotten a much better understanding of my diet and calorie intake. This has also been 90% of the time at home, without access to a gym.

Toby has helped me not only to get healthier, but also given me knowledge to keep me healthy in the future.”

Tom truly believed he could achieve his fat loss goal on his own.

He was smashing 5 x gym sessions a week.

He was eating relatively “healthy” in his view.

And he thought this would get the job done.

However, after many months of not seeing the progression he was hoping for, he felt extremely frustrated, demoralised and pissed off.

Who wouldn't feel demoralised after putting in so much energy, time and effort for very little in return?

I know I would!

This is when Tom reached out to me.

Unfortunately, it’s not always as simple as just hitting the gym as many times as possible and having more veggies and salads.

The first thing the majority of people do for fat loss is head to the gym, which is a great start!

However, a lot of people head to the gym with the mindset of trying to burn as many calories as possible, which isn’t the most effective mindset.

Are you a culprit of this?

In my opinion, you should head to the gym with the mindset of trying to get stronger and build muscle mass long term.

Once I told Tom that only around 5-10% of the total calories you burn in a day come from your gym session, his mindset completely changed.

When we focused on his day-to-day activity levels, alongside resistance training and controlling his daily calorie intake, he started to drop kilos for fun.

Tom felt a huge amount of satisfaction from actually seeing progression and results.

His confidence while wearing a T-shirt sky rocketed!

Tom now knows that around 10-15% of the calories you burn throughout the day come from your daily activity levels, which on average is much more than your gym session!

So, if you’re someone who has spent weeks, months, or even years trying to achieve your fat loss goal, but just aren’t getting any closer, maybe it’s time for some support, structure and guidance!

Just simply hit the button below and I’ll be more than happy to help 👌🏽

Tom’s stats: 100kg > 84kg in 5 months