Mark’s Story
Hear What Mark Had To Say About His Results With TLifestyle
Mark came to me towards the end of 2021 feeling deflated.
Mark was going to the gym A LOT. He was putting in a load of effort.
He wasn't getting the results he was expecting.
I would feel exactly the same. If I was spending many hours in the gym each week and not seeing any results, I'd feel very demoralised.
Wouldn't you?
The problem Mark was experiencing was that he had no intent, direction or game plan.
He was going to the gym and just "hoping" results would come.
Unfortunately, JUST going to the gym won't always get you to where you want to be.
Mark came to me wanting 'Body Recomposition'... which basically means he wanted to stay roughly the same weight but wanted to look leaner and more muscular.
Mark was already in the routine of going to the gym, so I firstly improved the QUALITY of his training and actually reduced the QUANTITY of his sessions.
Mark now gyms 4 x week instead of 6, but he now completes each session with intent, purpose and focus - all delivered through my coaching app with:
👉🏼Exercise tutorials
👉🏼Video technique feedback from me
👉🏼All workout data saved (reps+weight for each exercise)
Alongside improving his training, Mark has seen huge benefits from our Habit Builder sessions and all the learning around how to build successful habits.
Mark has always struggled with his alcohol intake, his sleep, and maintaining a high protein diet.
But through my teaching of the science behind how and why habits either fail or form, we've been able to tweak and improve all the aspects above which have massively contributed to Mark's results.
Mark can now confidently:
- Control his alcohol intake
- Get to bed at a consistent time each night
- Hit a protein amount that his body requires
... all without feeling a need for high motivation or willpower.
And that's the beauty about my coaching.
The skills I teach you mean you're able to get results WITHOUT the need for constant high motivation.
If you've seen Mark's testimonial, you'll know he is pretty "blown away" by his results and how easy it has felt to achieve them.
So, if you're wanting to achieve similar results to Mark, hit the button below!