Tim’s Story
Hear What Tim Had To Say About His Results With TLifestyle
"I had no idea how out of shape I am. Can't believe how big my belly is."
These were the words Tim said to me after taking his first photos at the start of his 8-weeks with me.
Tim won my giveaway a few months back which was 8-weeks coaching with me.
In Tim's mind he wasn't that out of shape. He knew he wasn't looking his best, but in his mind he never knew things had gotten that bad.
After getting Tim to take his first photos, he was completely shocked.
What is it that people say, "the camera never lies”?
Tim had suddenly realised this is what he looked like.
And what he saw he didn't like, at all!
Tim thought that he knew enough from his years of sport and gym at university and school all those years ago.
He thought the knowledge he had picked up from his past experiences was enough to keep him fit, in shape and healthy.
What people seem to forget is that at university you could go to the gym or go for a run pretty much whenever you wanted. You were 80% in control of your diary.
However, when you're in a full time 9-5 job, you're only 20% in control of your diary.
And over the last 6 years, Tim never really found a consistent routine when it comes to his health and fitness.
He'd go through bouts of gyming and running, and then stop because he moved flat in London a few times.
It wasn't that he didn't know the right things to make him lose body fat, he was just never able to find a routine that he could stick to consistently.
Over the 8-weeks coaching with me, Tim weight trained 3 times a week along with a cardio session... every week.
I took Tim through my 5 days tracking food, 2 days off.
Tim would hit a calorie and protein target for 5 days and then wouldn't track a thing for 2 days.
This allowed him to stay consistent all the way through.
I set Tim a step goal to hit each day, which he absolutely smashed.
And this was all possible through my coaching app and accountability systems I offer in my coaching service.
As you can see, Tim is over the moon with his results.
He doesn't see an overweight, lazy and unmotivated Tim anymore!
If you're sick of looking in the mirror and not happy with what you see, hit the button below!